Under supervision, with trust, under protection.
Under supervision, with trust, under protection.
ASIC, an independent government entity, is responsible for enforcing and regulating corporate and financial services laws in Australia. Its primary focus is on safeguarding the interests of Australian consumers, investors, and creditors. As one of the top regulatory authorities globally, ASIC is dedicated to upholding market integrity and protecting consumer rights. AFSL: 436416.
Trademax Global Markets (NZ) Limited is a financial services company based in New Zealand, licensed as a financial derivatives issuer by the Financial Markets Authority of New Zealand. The company's license number is 569807, and its registered office is located at 151 Queen Street, Auckland CBD, Auckland 1010, New Zealand.
XM平台下的Xinamax Money Corporation (Global) Ltd公司, 是由柬埔寨金融监管局监管的金融服务公司. 牌照号为CBX20201345, 注册地址为42, Riverside Boulevard C/o Fintech Services (Cambodia) Ltd Phnom Penh, 85512 Cambodia。
XM 集团配备专业团队,致力于维护高效运作和管理的框架,以保证我们的服务得到顺利提供。
根据我们的权益承诺,客户款项储存在符合 AA 评级的英国 AISP(授权的金融机构)中。英国国家储蓄银行(NSB)是英国领先的金融机构之一,享有全球盛誉。此外,XM 为高净值客户或组织提供专用的信托账户,并授权访问其专属银行账户,可随时查看账户余额。
XM 始终秉承着“创新为本”的理念,致力于为客户提供全方位的金融服务,同时保障客户的资产安全并满足各种投资需求的法律要求。XM 的合作伙伴是一家知名金融机构,为 XM 的客户提供广泛的投资选择和专业的理财建议。
Trademax Global Limited是一个成员企业,它隶属于金融委员会。金融委员会是一个专门为外汇市场金融服务提供商设立的国际组织,旨在解决争议。金融委员会为那些无法直接与自己的金融服务提供商解决纠纷的交易者提供独立的争议解决机制。在金融委员会设立的赔偿基金也为交易员提供额外的安全保障。审查会员资格 )